Prof. Dana Redford is an internationally-recognized expert on entrepreneurship, innovation, education and public policy. Dana has worked as an expert for the US Department of Commerce, the European Commission, the UN, the OECD and numerous European and African governments. Dana provided expert input to revision of the EIT Label (2018) and to redevelopment of the Strategic Innovation Agenda (2021-2027). Dana managed one of the most significant policy experimentation projects in entrepreneurship education (YouthStart), working with a broad range of educational stakeholders, including at Ministry level. Dana is experienced in use of the theory of change and, in 2010, his Masters course at UCP-Porto was recognized as OECD best practice. Previously, Dana was Faculty Coordinator and Guest Lecturer at the Haas School of Business Center for Executive Education at UC Berkeley, where he did his post-doctoral research at the Institute of European Studies and where he is currently a Senior Fellow. Dana is a dual national of Portugal and the United States.
Dana Redford – President and Founder